Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Returns the status of settlement boundaries within the LPA of a specific point. The cost of this is 0 credits.
required | object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "status": "council_has_settlements",
- "lpa_name": "string"
Returns settlement boundaries that intersect with the given geometry. The cost of this is 1 credit per 20 results.
page | number Default: 0 |
required | object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "emerging_plan": true,
- "lpa_code_main": "string",
- "policyId": "string"
Returns a settlement boundary. The cost of this is 1 credit.
id required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": {
- "name": "string",
- "hierarchy": "string",
- "hierarchySource": "string",
- "mapSource": "string",
- "policyId": "string",
- "score": 0,
- "tier": 0,
- "rank": 0,
- "geom_area": 0,
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "id": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true,
- "lpa_code_main": "string"
Returns an individual planning application. This costs 1 credit.
_id required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": {
- "id": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "agentDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicantDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicationType": "string",
- "calculatedApplicationTypes": [
- "full_app"
], - "no_weeks_decision_overdue": "string",
- "targetDecisionDate": "string",
- "determinationDeadline": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedDecision": "Approved",
- "calculatedDecisionTimeInDays": 0,
- "decisionIssuedDate": "string",
- "decisionLevel": "string",
- "geom": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "keyAppealDetails": {
- "area_selector_ids": [
- "string"
], - "area_selector_ids.keyword": null,
- "alternative_reference": "string",
- "appealAgentDetails": "string",
- "appealApplicantDetails": "string",
- "appealDecidedDate": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecision": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecisionTimeInDays": "string",
- "calculatedAppealReason": "string",
- "calculatedAppealType": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedProcedureType": "string",
- "hasAppeal": true,
- "inspectorName": "string",
- "inspectorate_caseId": "string",
- "inspectorate_reference": "string",
- "origin_reference": "string"
}, - "linkToDocuments": "string",
- "outlineGeom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "outlineGeomAreaSqmt": 0,
- "permissionExpiryDate": "string",
- "proposal": "string",
- "caseOfficer": "string",
- "caseOfficerPhoneNumber": "string",
- "is_appealable": true,
- "lpaCode": "string",
- "lpaName": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "noDwellings": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "titleNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "url": "string",
- "technology_type": "string",
- "finalDecision": "Approved",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns all documents for a given planning application. This costs 1 credit per 20 documents returned.
page | number Default: 0 |
planning_id required | string The ID from a planning application retrieved using search. |
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "planning_elastic_id": "string",
- "isDownloaded": true,
- "fileName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "documentType": "string",
- "calculatedDocumentType": "string",
- "calculatedDocumentStatus": "string",
- "fileFormat": "string",
- "datePublished": "string",
- "originUrl": "string",
- "filePath": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "planning_elastic_id.keyword": null,
- "signedUrl": "string"
Returns all planning applications within a given area. This costs 1 credit per 20 applications returned. If using reutrn_full_meta_data, it will cost 1 credit per application returned.
perPage | number Default: 20 |
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object | |
title_number | string |
whereQuery | string |
return_full_meta_data | boolean |
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "agentDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicantDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicationType": "string",
- "calculatedApplicationTypes": [
- "full_app"
], - "no_weeks_decision_overdue": "string",
- "targetDecisionDate": "string",
- "determinationDeadline": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedDecision": "Approved",
- "calculatedDecisionTimeInDays": 0,
- "decisionIssuedDate": "string",
- "decisionLevel": "string",
- "geom": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "keyAppealDetails": {
- "area_selector_ids": [
- "string"
], - "area_selector_ids.keyword": null,
- "alternative_reference": "string",
- "appealAgentDetails": "string",
- "appealApplicantDetails": "string",
- "appealDecidedDate": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecision": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecisionTimeInDays": "string",
- "calculatedAppealReason": "string",
- "calculatedAppealType": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedProcedureType": "string",
- "hasAppeal": true,
- "inspectorName": "string",
- "inspectorate_caseId": "string",
- "inspectorate_reference": "string",
- "origin_reference": "string"
}, - "linkToDocuments": "string",
- "outlineGeom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "outlineGeomAreaSqmt": 0,
- "permissionExpiryDate": "string",
- "proposal": "string",
- "caseOfficer": "string",
- "caseOfficerPhoneNumber": "string",
- "is_appealable": true,
- "lpaCode": "string",
- "lpaName": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "noDwellings": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "titleNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "url": "string",
- "technology_type": "string",
- "finalDecision": "Approved",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns all planning applications within a given area. This costs 1 credit per 20 applications returned. If using reutrn_full_meta_data, it will cost 1 credit per application returned.
perPage | number Default: 20 |
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object | |
title_number | string |
whereQuery | string |
return_full_meta_data | boolean |
{- "perPage": 20,
- "page": 0,
- "geometry": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "title_number": "string",
- "whereQuery": "string",
- "return_full_meta_data": true
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "agentDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicantDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicationType": "string",
- "calculatedApplicationTypes": [
- "full_app"
], - "no_weeks_decision_overdue": "string",
- "targetDecisionDate": "string",
- "determinationDeadline": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedDecision": "Approved",
- "calculatedDecisionTimeInDays": 0,
- "decisionIssuedDate": "string",
- "decisionLevel": "string",
- "geom": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "keyAppealDetails": {
- "area_selector_ids": [
- "string"
], - "area_selector_ids.keyword": null,
- "alternative_reference": "string",
- "appealAgentDetails": "string",
- "appealApplicantDetails": "string",
- "appealDecidedDate": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecision": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecisionTimeInDays": "string",
- "calculatedAppealReason": "string",
- "calculatedAppealType": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedProcedureType": "string",
- "hasAppeal": true,
- "inspectorName": "string",
- "inspectorate_caseId": "string",
- "inspectorate_reference": "string",
- "origin_reference": "string"
}, - "linkToDocuments": "string",
- "outlineGeom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "outlineGeomAreaSqmt": 0,
- "permissionExpiryDate": "string",
- "proposal": "string",
- "caseOfficer": "string",
- "caseOfficerPhoneNumber": "string",
- "is_appealable": true,
- "lpaCode": "string",
- "lpaName": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "noDwellings": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "titleNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "url": "string",
- "technology_type": "string",
- "finalDecision": "Approved",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Bespoke for generating per property planning reports. This costs 1 credit per land parcel returned, it requires a different credit called PLANNING_REPORT_API. return_full_meta_data does not cost extra with this query.
perPage | number [ 500 .. 500 ] Default: 500 |
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object | |
title_number | string |
whereQuery | string |
return_full_meta_data | boolean Default: true |
{- "perPage": 500,
- "page": 0,
- "geometry": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "title_number": "string",
- "whereQuery": "string",
- "return_full_meta_data": true
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "agentDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicantDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string"
], - "applicationType": "string",
- "calculatedApplicationTypes": [
- "full_app"
], - "no_weeks_decision_overdue": "string",
- "targetDecisionDate": "string",
- "determinationDeadline": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedDecision": "Approved",
- "calculatedDecisionTimeInDays": 0,
- "decisionIssuedDate": "string",
- "decisionLevel": "string",
- "geom": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "keyAppealDetails": {
- "area_selector_ids": [
- "string"
], - "area_selector_ids.keyword": null,
- "alternative_reference": "string",
- "appealAgentDetails": "string",
- "appealApplicantDetails": "string",
- "appealDecidedDate": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecision": "string",
- "calculatedAppealDecisionTimeInDays": "string",
- "calculatedAppealReason": "string",
- "calculatedAppealType": "string",
- "calculatedDateReceived": "string",
- "calculatedProcedureType": "string",
- "hasAppeal": true,
- "inspectorName": "string",
- "inspectorate_caseId": "string",
- "inspectorate_reference": "string",
- "origin_reference": "string"
}, - "linkToDocuments": "string",
- "outlineGeom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "outlineGeomAreaSqmt": 0,
- "permissionExpiryDate": "string",
- "proposal": "string",
- "caseOfficer": "string",
- "caseOfficerPhoneNumber": "string",
- "is_appealable": true,
- "lpaCode": "string",
- "lpaName": "string",
- "reference": "string",
- "noDwellings": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "titleNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "url": "string",
- "technology_type": "string",
- "finalDecision": "Approved",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns an individual site allocation. This costs 1 credit.
_id required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": {
- "id": "string",
- "allocation_type": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "geom_area": 0,
- "lpa_code_main": "string",
- "number_of_units": 0,
- "policy_id": "string",
- "publish_date": "string",
- "site_address": "string",
- "site_description": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "allocation_use": "string",
- "allocation_id": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true
Returns a list of upto 20 site allocation within a given area. This costs 1 credit.
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "allocation_type": "string",
- "site_address": "string",
- "policy_id": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true,
- "lpa_code_main": "string",
- "geom_area": 0
Returns an individual price paid. This costs 1 credit.
_id required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": {
- "price": 0,
- "address": "string",
- "tenure": "Leasehold",
- "current_price_per_sqft": 0,
- "current_epc_rating": "A",
- "uprn": 0,
- "year_built": 0,
- "date_of_transfer": "string",
- "current_status": "SSTCM",
- "epc_inspection_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "floor_area_sqft": 0,
- "freehold_title_number": "string",
- "geom": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "title_numbers": [
- "string"
], - "time_to_final_sale_agreed": 0,
- "property_type": "Flat",
- "parking": "Single Garage",
- "postcode": "string",
- "potential_epc_rating": "A",
- "number_of_living_rooms": 0,
- "number_of_bathrooms": 0,
- "number_of_bedrooms": 0
Returns a list of upto 20 price paid records with reduced meta data. This costs 1 credit.
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "price": 0,
- "current_status": "SSTCM",
- "address": "string",
- "uprn": 0,
- "id": "string"
Returns an individual shlaa. This costs 1 credit.
_id required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": {
- "id": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "decisionGroup": "other",
- "siteAddress": "string",
- "numberOfUnits": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true,
- "date_published": "string",
- "lpa_code_main": "string",
- "decisionReason": "string",
- "decision": "string",
- "deliveryTimeScale": "string",
- "geom_area": 0,
- "policyId": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "planningId": "string"
Returns shlaa within a given area. This costs 1 credit.
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "decisionGroup": "other",
- "siteAddress": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true,
- "policyId": "string",
- "decision": "string"
Returns an individual title. This costs 1 credit.
titleNumber required | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": {
- "tenure": "string",
- "title_no": "string",
- "additional_proprietor_indicator": "string",
- "class_of_title": "string",
- "classification_codes": [
- "string"
], - "constraint_categories": [
- "string"
], - "constraints": [
- "string"
], - "county": "string",
- "date_proprietor_added": "string",
- "developed_area": 0,
- "developed_area_percent": 0,
- "district": "string",
- "estate_interest": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "insert": "string",
- "max_building_height": 0,
- "multiple_address_indicator": "string",
- "overseas": true,
- "ownership_category": "Corporate",
- "postcode": "string",
- "property_address": "string",
- "proprietor": [
- {
- "address": [
- "string"
], - "name": "string",
- "company_registration_no": "string",
- "proprietorship_category": "string",
- "country_incorporated": "string"
], - "proprietor_categories": [
- "string"
], - "region": "string",
- "registered_status": "string",
- "sqmt": 0,
- "sqmt_of_title_is_planning_consideration": null,
- "agricultural_land_grade": [
- "string"
], - "surface_water_flooding_risk_level": [
- "string"
], - "surface_water_flooding_climate_change_risk_level": [
- "string"
], - "ptal": [
- "string"
], - "title_benefits_from_defences": true,
- "title_has_public_rights_of_way": true,
- "concat_use_class_long": [
- "string"
], - "current_rating": "string",
- "current_energy_efficiency": 0,
- "latest_epc_inspection": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_sold_price": 0,
- "latest_sold_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_price_per_sqmt": 0,
- "average_price_sold_in_last_5_years": 0,
- "contains_new_build": true,
- "development_opportunities": [
- "string"
], - "total_number_of_planning_applications": 0,
- "calculated_class_of_title": "leasehold",
- "number_of_planning_applications_in_last_5_years": 0,
- "max_number_of_dwellings_on_planning_applications": 0,
- "latest_planning_application": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "calculated_company_owned": true,
- "undeveloped_area": 0,
- "most_recent_sales_listing": {
- "listing_id": "string",
- "listing_on_market": true,
- "listing_current_time_on_market": 0,
- "listing_last_updated_on": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_listing_price_qualifier": "string",
- "latest_listing_price": 0,
- "listing_property_type": "Flat",
- "listing_no_bedrooms": 0,
- "listing_no_bathrooms": 0,
- "listing_no_living_rooms": 0,
- "listing_year_property_built": 0,
- "listing_has_parking": "Single Garage",
- "listing_is_new_build": true,
- "listing_is_shared_ownership": true,
- "listing_is_under_auction": true,
- "listing_url": "string",
- "listing_property_type.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_status.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_price_qualifier.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_status": "SSTCM"
}, - "most_recent_rental_listing": {
- "listing_id": "string",
- "listing_on_market": true,
- "listing_current_time_on_market": 0,
- "listing_last_updated_on": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_listing_price_qualifier": "string",
- "latest_listing_price": 0,
- "listing_property_type": "Flat",
- "listing_no_bedrooms": 0,
- "listing_no_bathrooms": 0,
- "listing_no_living_rooms": 0,
- "listing_year_property_built": 0,
- "listing_has_parking": "Single Garage",
- "listing_is_new_build": true,
- "listing_is_shared_ownership": true,
- "listing_is_under_auction": true,
- "listing_url": "string",
- "listing_property_type.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_status.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_price_qualifier.keyword": null,
- "latest_listing_status": "Available"
}, - "uprns": [
- 0
], - "leasehold": {
- "calculated_start_date": "string",
- "associated_property_description": [
- "string"
], - "months_remaining": "string",
- "unique_identifier": "string",
- "percentage_complete": 0,
- "alienation_clause_indicator": "string",
- "register_properties_description": "string",
- "lease_length": "string",
- "term": "string",
- "date_of_lease": "string",
- "calculated_end_date": "string"
Returns all titles that match the searching inputs, this costs 1 credit per title if return_full_meta_data=true, or 1/20th of a credit per title for return_full_meta_data=false (defaulted).
page | number Default: 0 |
lat required | number |
lng required | number |
string or string | |
return_full_meta_data | boolean |
{- "cost": 0,
- "count": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "tenure": "string",
- "title_no": "string",
- "additional_proprietor_indicator": "string",
- "class_of_title": "string",
- "classification_codes": [
- "string"
], - "constraint_categories": [
- "string"
], - "constraints": [
- "string"
], - "county": "string",
- "date_proprietor_added": "string",
- "developed_area": 0,
- "developed_area_percent": 0,
- "district": "string",
- "estate_interest": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "insert": "string",
- "max_building_height": 0,
- "multiple_address_indicator": "string",
- "overseas": true,
- "ownership_category": "Corporate",
- "postcode": "string",
- "property_address": "string",
- "proprietor": [
- {
- "address": [
- "string"
], - "name": "string",
- "company_registration_no": "string",
- "proprietorship_category": "string",
- "country_incorporated": "string"
], - "proprietor_categories": [
- "string"
], - "region": "string",
- "registered_status": "string",
- "sqmt": 0,
- "sqmt_of_title_is_planning_consideration": null,
- "agricultural_land_grade": [
- "string"
], - "surface_water_flooding_risk_level": [
- "string"
], - "surface_water_flooding_climate_change_risk_level": [
- "string"
], - "ptal": [
- "string"
], - "title_benefits_from_defences": true,
- "title_has_public_rights_of_way": true,
- "concat_use_class_long": [
- "string"
], - "current_rating": "string",
- "current_energy_efficiency": 0,
- "latest_epc_inspection": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_sold_price": 0,
- "latest_sold_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "latest_price_per_sqmt": 0,
- "average_price_sold_in_last_5_years": 0,
- "contains_new_build": true,
- "development_opportunities": [
- "string"
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- "max_number_of_dwellings_on_planning_applications": 0,
- "latest_planning_application": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- 0
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Returns all.
page | number Default: 0 |
uprn | number |
string or string | |
object or object or object or object | |
return_full_meta_data | boolean |
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- 0
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- "string"
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- "register_properties_description": "string",
- "lease_length": "string",
- "term": "string",
- "date_of_lease": "string",
- "calculated_end_date": "string"
Returns api usage for product. This costs 0 credits.
product required | string Enum: "constraints_api" "shlaa_api" "energy_api" "planning_api" "planning_report_api" "ownership_api" "local_plan_details_api" "settlement_boundaries_api" "price_paid_api" "allocations_api" "dno_api" "local_plan_policy" "tpo_api" "article_4_api" |
{- "apiCreditsUsed": 0,
- "limit": 0
Returns TPO within a given area. This costs 0.2 credits per tpo returned
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "id": "string",
- "emerging_plan": true,
- "lpa_code": "string"
Returns Article 4 within a given area. This costs 1 credit per Article 4 returned.
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "location": "string",
- "type": "Article 4(1) affecting other buildings",
- "use": "string",
- "date_published": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "stored_source": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
}, - "id": "string",
- "lpa_code_main": "string"
Returns Local Plan policy within a given area. This costs 0.2 credits per LocalPlanPolicy returned
page | number Default: 0 |
object or object or object or object | |
lpaCode | string |
{- "cost": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "file_name": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "lpa_code": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "local_plan_policy_category": "string",
- "policy_id": "string",
- "geom": {
- "type": "MultiPolygon",
- "coordinates": [
- [
- [
- [
- 0,
- 0
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.1 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0005 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.001 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0001 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.05 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.02 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0005 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0001 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 1 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0001 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.0001 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.01 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
Returns features for a specific tile based on geospatial query. Each item returned costs 0.01 credits.
z required | string |
x required | string |
y required | string |
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
OGC endpoints can be used across, Arcgis Online, ArcgisPro and QGIS.
apiKey required | string |
whereQuery | string An SQL style query for example. decision = 'Approved' AND calculatedDateReceived < '2023-01-01' |
orderBy | string An SQL style order e.g. calculatedDateReceived DESC |
limit | number |
additionalFields | string To include additional fields in the ogcLayer, use this comma separated list of field names e.g 'noDwellings' |
lpaCodes | string Comma separated list of LPA codes (LPA21CD) to filter by for Example 'E60000249,E60000257' find a list of LPA codes here: |
regions | string Comma separated list of regions to filter by from the list of, north-west scotland east-of-england wales ireland london yorkshire-and-the-humber east-midlands south-east north-east south-west west-midlands |
enablePagination | boolean Defaulted to false, Only se to true in arcgisPro to load in all data, this will cost alot of credits if not used along side other filters. |
qgis | boolean Defaulted to false, Only se to true in QGIS to load in all data, this will cost alot of credits if not used along side other filters. |